Clear and Obvious causes of anxiety and depression
Identification of these causes in easy to see. They normally come from a prolonged difficult situation. Things like deaths, separations, tragedies, grief, bereavement, etc.
The body will be put under a lot of stress in these situations. Most times an end is in sight so there is hope.
Unclear causes of anxiety and depression
These are lot more difficult to identify.
Often they arise from life long habits caused from childhood experiences and traumas.
A common scenario as example could be:
At a young age parents taught us to keep quiet and behave. We accepted this as normal and learnt to not complain or we would get in trouble.
In later life we still dont complain or express our feelings. We have done this for so long we do not even realise we are doing it. The deep down part of us that guides us to survive puts us on alert to escape the situation. We have suppressed this part of us for so long that our conscious mind does not feel this emotion to even react.
Our instincts carry on trying to get us out of danger. Putting our systems on alert and keeping them there. We feel tired and dont know why. We get anxious but feel we are happy. We have no ideas why we feel bad.
Now the work is to start looking at our lives and figuring out what is not right.